Dr. Divyansu Patel is a Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist in Austin, TX and has over 20 years of experience.
Dr. Divyansu Patel is a distinguished physician, dedicated researcher, and esteemed Principal Investigator specializing in behavioral health with a specific focus on child, adolescent, and adult populations. With a board certification in adult and child and adolescent psychiatry, Dr. Patel’s expertise has played a pivotal role in advancing the understanding and treatment of mental health disorders. Dr. Patel’s passion for psychiatry and behavioral health developed early in his career, where he recognized the profound impact that mental health has on individuals and society as a whole.
As a Principal Investigator for Biobehavioral Research of Austin, Dr. Patel has participated in many clinical trials including ADHD, Schizophrenia, GAD, OCD, Autism, MDD, and Bipolar are some of the examples. His research efforts have not only shed light on the complexities of mental health but also uncovered innovative therapeutic approaches and interventions for a wide range of disorders.
Dr. Patel’s commitment to improving the lives of young patients has been particularly noteworthy. His work with children and adolescents has opened new avenues for treatment of mental health issues during critical developmental stages. His compassionate and patient-centered approach has earned him the trust and admiration of both patients and their families.
Throughout his career, Dr. Patel has actively participated in various professional organizations and has presented his research findings at national and international conferences. He is widely regarded as a thought leader in the field of psychiatry, and his expertise is sought after by colleagues and institutions alike.
Beyond his research endeavors, Dr. Patel maintains an active clinical practice, where he provides comprehensive psychiatric care to patients of all ages. His commitment to evidence-based treatment and personalized care has made him a sought-after clinician, with patients benefiting from his extensive knowledge and empathetic approach.
In his free time, Dr. Patel enjoys staying active, exploring new cultures through travel, and spending quality time with his family and friends. His dedication to creating a positive impact extends beyond his professional life as he actively participates in community outreach programs and mental health awareness campaigns.
- Full-time Certified Research Staff
- Secure Wireless Internet
- Dedicated Monitoring Space
- Dedicated Private Exam Rooms
- Annually Calibrated Equipment
- Min/Max Temperature Devices
- Refrigerated Centrifuge & Non-Refrigerated
- -20° & -80° Freezers
- Adult & Child Phlebotomy Certified Staff
- EKG Machine
- Crash Cart
- Dry Ice
- Digital Diagnostic Capabilities
- Long Term Storage Facilities